Lifetime Members
Bill & Jane Allen
Bruce & Shirley Barton Shirley Barton Michael & Patricia Biber Steve & Katie Bolhuis William Brewster Bulmann Dock & Lift Robert & Alyson Christoph, Jr Christopher & Sara Connor Kay Currey-Kolb Barbara Danly Rollin Dart Sandy Dauch Hal & Ann Davis Victor Dawson Robert Denherder Douglas & Maria Devos Mike & Rhea Dow James & Janice Eckman Chuck & Julia Eisendrath Phillip & Sylvia Frederickson Reed & Janet Freidinger George & Jill Golder Chip & Laura Hansen Michael & Christine Heroy John & Barbara Hoffman JD Hogan |
Bob & Marissa Kagle
Todd Kennedy Joseph & Karen Kimmell David & Laura Kowalski Ken & Pam Lester Craig & Julie Love Carmen McGrae and L/M Lindsay/McDermott Daniel & Martha Mishler Forrest Page Preston & Barbara Parish Preston & Bess Parish Robert & Annette Pocica Robert & Sheryl Pursel, Jr WS & Elaine Retherford Rosenthal Family Trust Mary Ellen Sheets and Thomas John Amiss Jeffrey & Ceila Sinclair Jay & Peggy Smith Delbert Terrill, Jr Paul & Linda Weston Rex & Nan Winter Paul & Joan Witting Daniel & Connie Wollschlager Darrell & Ann Zavitz |