Lake Charlevoix Lawn CareWe have all seen the small signs on a yard-“beware of chemical treatment, pets and children stay off”. In our cities and suburbs, we often do not give further thought to where these and other chemicals are going if they run off our yards. Around our lake, the answer is simple. When rains wash chemicals off our yards, they often end up in our lake, in the very areas our families are swimming and boating, in the water where we fish and recreate.
Keeping harmful chemical runoff from our lake is a large part of keeping our lake healthy and safe. Yet many of us continue to utilize downstate lawn care methods along our lakeshore, where it would be relatively easy to adopt much more lake friendly approaches. Protecting our lake from harmful runoff involves focusing on three basic areas; minimizing runoff, eliminating pollutants in runoff and filtering runoff to the greatest extent possible. Creative landscaping and elimination of impervious surfaces can minimize runoff. Capturing and filtering runoff can be accomplished with greenbelts, wetlands and rain gardens. Reducing or eliminating chemicals from runoff can be accomplished by adopting lake friendly approaches to lawn care. Keep our lake free from harmful chemicals.
Simple steps can go a long way toward avoiding the introduction of chemicals into our lake. Other important concerns are discussed elsewhere on our website, such as erosion control, greenbelts, natural shorelines, impermeable surface control. Remember - if we want to maintain our Lake Charlevoix watershed, let’s maintain “Lake Charlevoix friendly” yards. For more information, go to and |